2 min read

Make slides work in blogdown

I made some slides introducing primer design tips. I want to put it in my blog; however, blogdown cannot render xaringan Rmd files if I put them in the post folder. I searched a little bit and found one solution: put the raw md file content in your remark.js slides html file. Here is how I do it. I am using the hugo-lithium-theme as an example.

  • I made the slides using xaringan;

  • Based on the slide html file, I made a head_remarkjs.html and a foot_remarkjs.html in folder themes/hugo-lithium-theme/layouts/partials

  • Modified the single.html file located in themes/hugo-lithium-theme/layouts/_default by adding an ifelse condition to see if the markdown file has tag “slides”. If yes, it will make a single file using head_remarkjs.html + raw content of the md file + foot_remarkjs.html; else it will use the default single.html layout.

Here is the header I added to the top of the single.html file:

{{ if in .Params.tags "slides" }}

{{/* Slides mode */}}
{{ partial "head_remarkjs.html" . }}
	<textarea id="source">
{{ .RawContent }}
{{ partial "foot_remarkjs.html" . }}


Make sure your slide md file has tag “slides”. You can put any other images in a folder named “images” (or other names if you like) in the static/ folder, and use [my image](/image/myimage.png) to refer it in the md file.

Later I found Yihui already made an introduction how to using xaringan in blogdown. Here is the website: https://github.com/yihui/blogdown-static

This method is much easier, and you just need to:

  1. Create a R/ folder and add an R script build.R with one line of code blogdown::build_dir('static') in the R/ folder

  2. Put your Rmd files under the static/ folder.

That is it! The one thing I am not satisfied with this method is that the slides will not be shown on my blog list. So I made another file slides.md in the content/ folder along with the about.md to list out all my slides:

title: "Slides"
date: "2017-11-16"

Here a list of slides I made.

- [slide 1](/slides/slide1.html)

- [slide 2](/slides/slide2.html)

And add 1 menu for the slides on my homepage by adding:

    name = "Slides"
    url = "/slides/"

in the file config.toml with other [[menu.main]].

I am just a beginner to use blogdown and hugo. I am sure there will be better ways. Please do not hesitate to share yours.