2 min read

No way MS Office for Linux

MS office is the final obstacle for me to move completely to Linux. I spent the whole morning trying to install MS Office 365 in Ubuntu 18.10 Linux platform with Wine 4.0 but ended with failure again! Just like all the trials I did before. I really hope people around me can be using LibreOffice or Google Doc, so I can collaborate with them on any platform, but they do not. Most of them are using MS Office and the format will change if I open them with other applications. I can work on Linux for almost everything, but MS Office collaboration really keeps me from fully working on a Linux platform. After using Linux, I really do not want to go back to Windows. Linux is beautiful, more flexible to make it for your taste, easy command line support and easy update. I like using the command line and writing small scripts to do a lot of tasks. I can do this in Windows but without straight forward ways.

I really hope MS Office could support Linux and I do not mind buying it. I also really hope Wine could run MS Office better, but even now it is still a pain. I tried every time and failed every time. I told me I should never try installing MS Office in Linux again, but every time there is a new version of Wine claiming better support of MS Office, I cannot help to try it, although disappointed every time.

Swinging between Windows and Linux really hurts my productivity. I think I should stick with Windows since I cannot get rid of it. The good thing is that now I can install Ubuntu Linux within windows and use the bash shell just like in a Linux desktop. I will see. I am now trying.